Vanessa Curry
After graduating in Economics & Social Policy from University of Sheffield, Vanessa worked on Goldman Sachs’ commodities trading floor for six years before completing post graduate study at Central St Martins (Fine Art) and University of Oxford (Art History). After working on a number of private collections for other advisors, she founded Fine Art Source in 2009 after recognising a gap in the market for an art advisor who has excellent art history knowledge combined with proven art market acumen. Described as demystifying the market, she energetically pursues excellence for her clients. Vanessa is based in Greenwich, USA and is in the UK at least once a month.

Katy Munn
After completing her MA in Modern History at University of Oxford, Katy qualified in law, remains a Partner in a London law firm and a highly respected practitioner of English employment law. She assists in many aspects of Fine Art Source’s business, from copy writing and research to discussing terms of loan agreements with museums through to consignments with galleries. Katy is based in the UK.

Max Ritchie
Based in the UK, Max graduated with a BA in History from Durham University in 2024 which included an emphasis on Art History. He assists in a variety of aspects of the day-to-day operations of Fine Art Source. This has especially focused on research, cataloguing and copy-writing.

Yishan Zhuang
Yishan graduated with a degree in Sculpture in 2012 from Xiamen University. She has worked alongside architectural lighting firms on a number of high profile projects in New York. Yishan’s graphics/modelling tech skills expand beyond BIM and Adobe Suites to full lighting design schedules and watercolour illustration. Yishan is based in New York, USA.